mymoto rewards
When you purchase a car from one of our mymoto partners you gain access to thousands of discounts and offers across Australia.
Enjoy 12 months of exclusive access to mymoto rewards
Check out a list of our benefits and discounts.
What is mymoto rewards?
As a result of partnering with dealerships across Western Australia and Victoria, mymoto rewards has evolved into a flourishing loyalty program, welcoming 3,500 new members monthly and offering exclusive discounts that enhance the car buying experience throughout Australia.
Your mymoto membership is valid for 12 months. Renew your membership annually by servicing your car at any mymoto partner.
The Pass
Enjoy 10% every time you order at over 200 pubs, bars & restaurants using the Pass app. Plus, earn $10 credit every time your spend gets over $100!
Save on over 6000 experiences
Online Shop
Take advantage of our exclusive offers, discount tickets and e-gift cards across a range of well-loved brands.
Refer & Earn
Receive a $150 gift card every time you refer someone to one of our partner dealerships, and it results in a sale.
Trouble signing in?
Contact our friendly support team.
Phone: (08) 6244 9004
Contact hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4pm (AWST)